Through learning experiences that are interesting, engaging and seen as relevant to their lives, students are helped to appreciate how the complex and diverse phenomena of the natural world can be described in terms of a small number of key ideas which are both inter-linked and of universal application. We consciously build students’ understanding so that they build a picture of the world that is not a collection of independent assertions but parts that connect with one another. The key ideas include:
Y7 | Y8 | Y9 |
Cells practical experimentationmodels and theories |
Health and lifestyle practical experimentation models and theories implications |
You and your genes practical experimentation quantitative analysis analysis implications technologies |
Structure and function of body systems models and theories change is driven by differences |
Ecosystem processes practical experimentation implications change is driven by differences |
Keeping healthy practical experimentation effect has one or more cause quantitative analysis implications technologies |
Reproduction effect has one or more causemodels and theories change is driven by differences |
Adaptation and inheritance models and theories analysis change is driven by differences |
Y7 | Y8 | Y9 |
Particles and their behaviour practical experimentation analysis models and theories |
The Periodic Table practical experimentation models effect has one or more cause |
Chemical Patterns practical experimentation analysis models and theories implications technologies effect has one or more cause quantitative analysis change is driven by differences |
Elements, atoms and compounds practical experimentation models |
Separation techniques practical experimentation models effect has one or more cause technologies quantitative analysis |
Air and water practical experimentation analysis models and theories implications technologies quantitative analysis effect has one or more cause change is driven by differences |
Reactions practical experimentation models analysistechnologies effect has one or more cause |
Metals and acids practical experimentation models effect has one or more cause implications technologies quantitative analysis |
Acids and Alkalis practical experimentation models analysis effect has one or more cause technologies quantitative analysis |
The Earth models and theories effect has one or more cause implications technologies |
Y7 | Y8 | Y9 |
Forces models theories effect has one or more cause practical experimentation |
Electricity and Magnetism models theories effect has one or more cause change is driven by differences quantitative analysis technologies practical experimentation |
Waves and Radiation models theories effect has one or more cause change is driven by differences quantitative analysis implications technologies practical experimentation analysis |
Sound models effect has one or more cause technologies practical experimentation |
Energy models effect has one or more cause change is driven by differences quantitative analysis implications technologies practical experimentation |
Energy models theories effect has one or more cause change is driven by differences quantitative analysis implications technologies practical experimentation analysis |
Light models effect has one or more cause technologies practical experimentation |
Motion and pressure models effect has one or more cause change is driven by differences quantitative analysis technologies practical experimentation, |
Space models theories effect has one or more cause |